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danieru in tokyo
Monday, March 03, 2008
The reason i have not written
in so long could be attributed to a unhealthy addiction to the television.

The weekends have all merged into the weekdays of employer interruptions. I'm quite convinced that they are close to pointless. All that happens is see in real time what yet another summary email could provide between the hours of Nine and Five. But yet I am here. And counting down to 10 more months.

It smacked me between the eyes yesterday that Singapore was imminent. The headcount is there, and flying on the coattails gets tricky when you're further from the engine. And I dont fly so well on my own.

This week I wound back to over 2 years ago and the notion of floating ideas and drowning execution. And so it still is closer yet further. And I wonder when what i'm going to do to fix it. After quitting Ropps at about 5am, waking up 2 hours later and jumping on a Shink, i was in Manza. Through the Saturday phonecalls which have now become par for the course, unwinding began, which reached it's summit sometime after dinner when we headed out to the rotemburo, and hid under the sulphurous waters for more hours than can possibly be healthy for man or best. Work hard, play hard, relax harder.

Easily one of the best weekends I have had in years - The Slopes; The Onsen; The People.

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